Tag Archives: Chelsea Ingram

According to a Facebook post by Chelsea’s mother, the Myers Park High School student has been found safe! The details of her discovery are not immediately available. Crime in Charlotte (.com) would like to thank everyone that shared our articles …Read More

Amber Alert to be Issued for Chelsea Ingram

UPDATE: Rumors that have been claiming Chelsea has been found have been dis-proven  by her classmates, according to a source close to the story. Crime in Charlotte will post more details on this story as they become available. According to rumors on social …Read More

Chelsea Ingram

It’s been over 63 hours since Chelsea Ingram was last seen, but still no word of her whereabouts have been made known. Chelsea may be considered a runaway by law enforcement officials, according to a blog which is operated by …Read More

Chelsea Ingram - Missing

UPDATE: Chelsea has been found safe! To see how social media platforms played a role in this case and others like it, see our latest editorial. Charlotte residents are looking for a teenager that has been missing since 7:00 Tuesday morning. Chelsea …Read More